Stories to Tell You. :)

assalamualaikum cinta ;)

yakk. my college? hewhew. semalam maktab kite ad buat hari anugerah kecemerlangan tau. anugerah for those who got 3.5 and above for last semester exam and some other things. 
kite dapat anugerah tu. wootwoot. naik pentas woooo. #mukebangge. muahaha. bapak kite datang ngan nenek kite. mak kite tak datang lah. busy. tak leh pulak nak amek cuti. 

146students of form 3 dapat 3.5 and above. which is the amount had passed the target that ibu wanted us, the form 3 students to get. weee~ #mukebanggekuase2. :DD

wengweng. nak out from the topic lah jap. kite happy sekarang ni. i got my friends bakk! and someone who loves me. and another someone who cares about me and he loves me. but sad, my penyejuk hati tak suke kite. :'( tapi takpe. kite tak kisah. kita dah ade yang sayang kite and care pasal kite. tu pun dah cukup buat kite bahagia. :) thanks guys. love you lots! <3

before my alzheimer come, nak ckap thanks awak, dan awak. saye sayang awak dua. #AmeelAyil. wee~ form3 first batch mrsm tumpat will get straight a in PMR. aja aja hwaiting! 

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