nama parents kite bagi kat kite , NUR FARAH JAZLIN BT MOHD JAFRI *ikutdalamICni* :D kite lahir , 31/3/1997 . the precious date where the BEAUTIFUL and CUTE baby was born . *perasan ! haha , biarlah . sekarang kite belajar kat MJSC TUMPAT

Nak cite pasal maktab kite yang sucks tu . fuhh . saket hati kot dgn maktab tu . macammacam law dorang buat . nak gi prep petang tak leyh pakai tshirt la . baju kurung sepanjang mase . stokin sentiase melekat kat kaki . omg ! penat lah mcm ni . warden garang bhaii ! tapi , there's this one warden yang kite tak takut , and kite rapat .the english teacher , MISS SALWANA ;) dye baik . 

tapi , even the school's sucks , i still get the chances to built some precious memory here . couple with someone i like on my birthday . yes , 31/03/2011 . NIK AHMAD FAIZ ! ilysm ;( dah clash tapi . kite still suke dye tapi . and lepas broke up ngan dye , kite couple ngan ALIF IMRAN . bru je broke up ngan dye . dye tu , kite tak boleh anggap dye as someone i love , cause , kite dah anggap dye mcm bestfriend kite sndiri je . SORRY honey :( 

to talk more , i have bestfriends . full with colurful characters from different backgrounds . YANA , QIS , BAT , AINUL , FIQAH , UMMU , MARHA and LAILI . love you guys a lot ! tapi hari tu , ade salah faham between me and yana . dye suke someone ni tau . tapi that someone suke kat kite . and yana bace message kiteorang . tapi sekarang dah ok . now , kite banyak lagi kawan tau tak . dulu , kite ade group of bestfriends , and we used to call them GVM :) But now , they're just another friends of mine . 


i miss them a lot . IFFAT , ANIS , ZARIEN , NAJLAA , WAWA , MAI , ANIS , MALIN , & YANA . ;(

this is my partner in crime . NAJWA ISMADI :)

telus 2011/2012 , i would never forget :) the old one of cause . -,-" miss them badly . even , dalam telus yang lame ade mirul sabah , and hasan zikry . the people who annoys me the most . haha . :) plus , ade someone yang kite tak suke . BLACK PEARL , HOT AIR BALLOON , PAYUNG , AND PENDEK . idc . i just miss all the cherish moment . ;( 


okey , like i said , even the college is sucks . many memories i could have here . love , friendship , fun . haha . my home room . sometimes gadoh , sometimes works together as a team . the homeroom yang paling banyak buat makanmakan . that's the best part actually . :)

end of my school life . :) now , things i favor is PINK ! everything about pink kite suke . except . PIGIES . LOL ;D danbo is the cutest box ever ! love you , cutey DANBO ! ok , lol . kpop stuff is my thing . b2st , snsd , mblaq , and so on . haha . whatever . now . i want to end my post with , assalamualaikum :)